PCEA Gatundu High School is a public secondary school located in Ngenda near Gatundu Town, Gatundu South Constituency in Kiambu County. The school currently hosts over 450 boys and girls, with a mission to inspire knowledge and wisdom through education within all students.

Angaza Center partnership

Angaza Center has established an ICT lab that provides technology literacy education to students, staff, and the community. This space will enable teachers to integrate technology into their lessons, making the curriculum for engaging, collaborative, and applicable to future uses. The launched resource center is fully equipped with devices, internet connectivity, surveillance cameras, and online learning capabilities. It is able to seat 40 students. 

A message from the school

We are thankful to the teachers, students and the school management for their support in ensuring the onboarding was smooth and successful and embracing technology in education for the benefit of the students and community at large. Special thanks to our partners and well wishers.